Missions & Outreach


Missions Trips

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to ALL creation...” Mark 16:15

Learn more about our 2025 Global Missions by downloading the booklet

Local Outreach

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you have done unto me” Matthew 25:40


Meeting immediate and long-term physical, mental and spiritual needs of those bound by human trafficking in Metro Detroit.


Ministering to 1200 incarcerated men and women across 5 metro Detroit facilities.


Training and support to “cast your net” and reach the lost in your network of neighbors, co-workers, family and friends.


Sharing food and fellowship with under-resourced friends.


Partnering with Life Challenge through Life Skills classes and Mentoring.


Join us to Educate, Prevent, Equip and Support women who seek to or have had an abortion.

Foster Care Ministries

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world" James 1:27


Residential summer camps for children and teens in foster care who have experienced trauma. Our mission is to exemplify the love of Christ and create new positive life changing moments, through uplifting messages, challenge courses, and other summer camp activities.


Monthly group mentoring for children and teens in foster care. Our mission is to provide committed mentors to consistently build upon the relationships established at summer camps. “Every child is one caring adult away from being a success story”- Johsua Shipp


Support groups, group home visits, trauma training and outreaches to surround and empower local foster families and agencies.

Special outreaches held throughout the year to provide resources, respite, support and more to foster youth and families.

Foster Parents, Social Workers & Agencies

We would love to connect with you! Look below to find how to sign your foster youth up for our programs.

No, camps are completely free for foster youth.

ROYAL FAMILY KIDS (ages 6 to 11) | JULY 25-30

BFT CAMP (ages 12-15) GIRLS WEEKEND | JULY 18-21


Applications will be available in March to sign foster youth up for our summer camps.

Fill out this brief form to stay in the loop of upcoming events for foster youth

Support Missions

The Kingdom Builders initiative supports over 130 missionaries and numerous Mission trip projects. Be a Kingdom Builder and join us in prayer and giving.

Liza Munro

Missions & Outreach Pastor

Alyssa Balsamo

Administrative Assistant

Chelle Clemmon

Foster Care

North America

Amaro, Marcus & Shakinah
Burkhart, Paul & Crystal
Dieckmann, Adrianna
Habibi, Yousef & Pat
Hancock, Trey & Becky
Simnowitz, Adam & Cyndi
Smalling, Grady & Janet

Latin America

Allion, Benjamin & Natalia
Babcock, Kim & Shari
Baker, John
Bueno, Robert & Cilinia
Bustos, Donna & Miqueas
Castleberry, Terry & Babs
Clanton, Flynn
De Freita, Nelson & Rennae
Doutt, Ken & Kendra
Ferguson, Rich & Wanda
Johnson, Terrence & Beth
Kenyon, Gerritt & Tara
Mahon, Mary
Marsh Jr., Lloyd & Anna Maria
Mullins, Rachel
Puffpaff, Steven & Kim
Renfro, Josh & Mayra
Sobey, Steve & Kim
Speer, David & Kristen
Walz, Bradley & Rhonda


Beggs, Gregory L
Dickinson, Gary & Janice
Evans, Steve & Glenda
Hanan, Darrell
Hanson, Scott & Karen
Jarvis, Tim & Joyce
Kirsch, Bill & Judy
Malone, Michael
Marten, Heather
Moore, Bill & Reita
Nash, Logan & Shannon
Teague, Brent & Shelley


Barendse, Stephan & Marianne
Barker, Matthew & Marissa
Crace, John
Folk, Kevin & Annie
Keating, Tom Lear, Joseph
Linderman, Henry & Karen
Glugosh, Reagan
Lungu, John
Lupo, Stephen & Kristi
Mahar, Marco & Courtney
McKinley, Luke & Tanya
McKinstry, Mark & Heather
McLane, Richard & Lori
Prevost, Kevin & Karen
Sebastian, Anthony & Jamie
Smiley, Micah
Szabo, Joe & Noemi
Trementozzi, Paul & Angela
Trewern, Kyle & Holly
Wislocky, Rick & Lori

Asia Pacific

Anders, Nathan
Bryner, Daniel & Khuyen
Canavan, Justin
Carter, Chris & Lindsey
Cumper, Caleb & Sandy
Davis, Pierce & Meghan
Ethridge, Alex
Hurst, Jhan & Iris
Jones, Keith & Christi
Kemp, Jamison & Tasha
Kleindl, Nathan & Brooke
Matsunaga, Daniel & Kazune
Mcknight, Stephen
Moore, Luke & Shanna
Natale, Megan
Prater, Molly
Rodli, Mark & Sunny
Rybarczy, Tony
Schultz, Gregory
Sellers, Drew & Haley
Silva, Tye & Cina
Thomas, Nathan & Jennifer
Thompson, Mark & Kaycee
Tuttle, Erik & Victoria
Vegh, Raegan


Brown, Austin & Shanda
Clark, Paul & Mechthild
Neher, Colby
Place, Matthew & Renee
Plagenhoef, Sarah
Priest, Kirk & Amy
Trementozzi, David & Emily
Williams, Rachel


Abounding Hope – Elliot, Dean,
AG Trust, AG Theological Seminary,
AGWM Forward,
Aramaic Broadcasting Network
Chaplaincy Ministries – Bell, Adam & Cara,
Compassion Link – DiTrolio, Sam,
Carmel Child Development Center (India),
Chi Alpha,
Baran, Darius
Glutting, Greg & Erin
Guarisco, Nino & Tammy
Jackson, Daniel & Sarah
Lehman, Steve & Belkis
Payne, Chris
Ratliff, Amanda
Trask II, Melissa
VanProosdy, Isaac & Mia
Welch, Kevin & Lindsay
FAM International Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Scott, Titus
Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Blackwell, Glynn
Gateway to Freedom,
Global University – Johnson, Dave & Debbie,
Hope International,
Jewish Ministries – Gannon, Raymond & Kassiani,
Kingdomstrate – Orme, Brain & Cecilee,
Life Challenge of SE Michigan,
Living Hope International – Campbell, Brandon,
Michigan District Campus,
Michigan District Counsel – Van Proosdy, Mia,
Michigan District Support,
Michigan Missions & Church Planting,
Network211 – Lear, Joe & Alice,
North Central Bible College,
One Hope (Book of) – Hoskins, Bob,
Royal Family KIDS Camp,
Sender’s Fund,
The Navigators- Porter, Oliver & Carolyn,
The Power Company Kids Club – Gunn, John
Wycliffe – Davenport, Steve & Cindy